New Office Procedures
Please review our new policies:
Masks or cloth face coverings are required at all times inside the office. NYS requires medical staff and patients both to be masked regardless of your vaccination status. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you. You must wear your mask for the entire treatment.
Do not arrive early for your appointment. Please wait outside or in your car and only come inside the building at your appointment time.​​
When arriving for your appointment, there will be a brief screening before before we bring you inside the office. Screening will include checking your temperature and questions about symptoms you may be experiencing. Anyone who has a cough, fever or shortness of breath, or anyone with a temperature above 100.4 will not be admitted and will be referred to seek further medical attention.
After screening, you'll be provided with hand sanitizer to use before entering the treatment space.
All visits must be pre-paid online, to reduce the amount of time spent checking in/out. ​
All patients (new and returning) must sign a new Informed Consent form. Once you make an appointment you'll be sent the form via email.